RD53 SystemVerilog/UVM Simulation Framework References

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VEPIX53 links


Name Mail Skype
Sara Marconi Sara.Marconi@NOSPAMcern.ch -
Elia Conti Elia.Conti@NOSPAMcern.ch -

Git configuration

1. Download and install Git if not aleady installed,

linux% sudo yum install git

2. Basic Git configuration:

linux% git config --global user.name "Luca Pacher"
linux% git config --global user.email pacher@to.infn.it

Download repo

1. Go to a work area

linux% cd ~/scratch/devel/rtl

2. Clone Git repo from https://USER@git.cern.ch/reps/VEPIX53

linux% git clone https://lpacher@git.cern.ch/reps/VEPIX53 

3. Enter your CERN AFS password when asked to enter a passphrase


The RD53 Collaboration's SystemVerilog-UVM Simulation Framework and its General Applicability to Design of Advanced Pixel Readout Chips

VEPIX53 User Guide (Sara's talk at last RD53 General Meeting)

Devel/random notes

  • ho aggiunto le variabili VEPIX_HOME e ARCH_NAME nel Makefile per renderlo piu' portabile
  • make plib contiene lo switch -mklib pero' sempra che questo impedisca una ricompilazione se modifico il codice
linux% make plib