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Using makefiles to perform simulations with Cadence Incisive (irun)

Makefile for Cadence Incisive tools

configure file:

##                      General setup and preferences                           ##

# Edit the following statements to fit your requirements

# Top-level design unit (e.g. testbench file)
TOP = test

# Configure source files
SRCDIR = ./src
TBDIR  = ./testbench
#SOURCES = $(SRCDIR)/*.v $(TBDIR)/$(TOP).v
#SOURCES = $(SRCDIR)/*.vhd $(TBDIR)/$(TOP).vhd

# Library setup
# LIBDIR = ./INCA_libs
LIBDIR = ./lib
CDSLIB = cds.lib
WORK = myLib

# Note! 
# Your cds.lib library mapping file must contain a DEFINE statement
# DEFINE <work library name> ./lib/<physical directory>
# Type 
# linux% make worklib 
# to mkdir a new work library ./lib/$(WORK) according to the WORK value
# specified in this Makefile

# Log directory (.log and .key files)
# usage: -logfile $(LOGDIR)/filename.log
LOGDIR = ./log

# Standard Delay Format (SDF) annotation directory
#SDFDIR = ./sdf

# Simulation results directory. By default, a waves.shm Cadence Signal History Manager
# (SHM) waveform database will be crearted under the ./shm directory, but feel free to
# use a VCD dump file
WAVEDIR = ./shm
#WAVEDIR = ./vcd

# change default snapshot name
# usage: -snapshot $(SNAPSHOT)
SNAPSHOT = simexe

# ncsim run mode (GUI, interactive or batch)
#RUNMODE = gui
#RUNMODE = batch


# Define general user preferences (e.g. libraries) in a ./configure file
include ./configure

##             Tools options and command line switches                          ##

# Incisive top installation directory
CDS_INST_DIR = $(shell ncroot)

# default hdl.var
HDLVAR = $(CDS_INST_DIR)/tools/inca/files/hdl.var

# Compiler executable
CC = ncvlog
#CC = ncvhdl

# Elaborator executable

# Simulator executable

# ncls executable 
LS = ncls 

# Remove command
RM = rm -rf

# ncls options
# Use ncls -help for additional information
NCLSOPTS = -cdslib $(CDSLIB)   \
           -hdlvar $(HDLVAR)   \
           -library $(WORK)    \
           -logfile $(LOGDIR)/ncls.log

# nclaunch options
# Use nclaunch -help for more information
NCLAUNCHOPTS = -work $(WORK)              \
               -cdslib $(CDSLIB)          \
                #-input ./scripts/run.tcl \
               -keyfile $(LOGDIR)/nclaunch.key

# ncvhdl options
# Use ncvhdl -help for more information
NCVHDLOPTS = -work $(WORK)       \
             -cdslib $(CDSLIB)   \
             -hdlvar $(HDLVAR)   \
             -v93                \
             -errormax 15        \
             -update             \
             -linedebug          \
             -status             \
             -smartorder         \
             -logfile $(LOGDIR)/ncvhdl.log

# ncvlog options
# Use ncvlog -help for more information
NCVLOGOPTS = -work $(WORK)       \
             -cdslib $(CDSLIB)   \
             -hdlvar $(HDLVAR)   \
             -errormax 15        \
             -update             \
             -linedebug          \
             -status             \
             -logfile $(LOGDIR)/ncvlog.log 

# ncelab options
# Use ncelab -help for more information
NCELABOPTS = -work $(WORK)           \
             -cdslib $(CDSLIB)       \
             -hdlvar $(HDLVAR)       \
             -snapshot $(SNAPSHOT)   \
             -errormax 15            \
             -update                 \
             -access +wc             \
             -status                 \
             -logfile $(LOGDIR)/ncelab.log           

# ncsim options
# Use ncsim -help for more information
NCSIMOPTS = -$(RUNMODE)         \
            -cdslib $(CDSLIB)   \
            -hdlvar $(HDLVAR)   \
            -run                \
            -errormax 15        \
            -update             \
            -status             \
            -logfile $(LOGDIR)/ncsim.log   \
            -keyfile $(LOGDIR)/ncsim.key   \
            -input ./scripts/shm.tcl       \

# simvision options (missing...)
# Use simvision -help for more information

# Linting tool options (missing...)

# irun options (missing...)
# User irun -helpall for more information
#IRUNOPTS = -l $(LOGDIR)/irun.log   \
            -top $(TOP)             \

# Xterm appearance
XTERM_APPEARANCE = -fg black -bg grey

##                make targets implementation (DO NOT EDIT!)                    ##

# Target: default
# By default, just call the help target
default: help

# Target: worklib
# Create a new work library $(LIBDIR)/$(WORK) 
worklib: clean_all
	@mkdir $(LIBDIR)/$(WORK)
	@echo "DEFINE $(WORK) $(LIBDIR)/$(WORK)" >> $(CDSLIB)
	@echo "INCLUDE $(CDS_INST_DIR)/tools/inca/files/cds.lib" >> $(CDSLIB)
	@echo "Added $(WORK) and default libraries to cds.lib file"

# Target: list
# Lists the work library contents

# Target: list_all
# Lists the contents of all libraries defined in the $(CDSLIB) file
	$(LS) -cdslib $(CDSLIB) -logfile $(LOGDIR)/ncls.log -all

# Target: nclaunch
# Run NCLaunch with a few additional switches 
nclaunch: clean
	nclaunch $(NCLAUNCHOPTS) &

# Target: prepare
# Compile and elaborate the design without simulating
prepare: clean

# Target: sim
# Compile, elaborate and simulate the design
sim: prepare

# Target: update
# Compile, elaborate and simulate the design
update: prepare

# Target: all
# single-step compilation/elaboration/simulation using irun

# Target: lint
# call Incisive HDL Analysis and Lint (HAL)
#lint: prepare
#	irun 

# Target: clean
# delete all log and backup files

	@find ./ -name '*.log*'     -exec $(RM) {} \;
	@find ./ -name '.nclaunch*' -exec $(RM) {} \;
	@find ./ -name '*.key*'     -exec $(RM) {} \;
	@find ./ -name '*~'         -exec $(RM) {} \;
	@find ./ -name '*.diag'     -exec $(RM) {} \;
	@find ./ -name '*.sim'      -exec $(RM) {} \;
	@echo "Deleted all log and backup files."

# Target: clean all
# delete everything (libraries, cds.lib library mapping files,
# hdl.var option files and SHM waveform databases)

	@find ./ -name '*.log*'     -exec $(RM) {} \;
	@find ./ -name '.nclaunch*' -exec $(RM) {} \;
	@find ./ -name '*.key*'     -exec $(RM) {} \;
	@find ./ -name '*~'         -exec $(RM) {} \;
	@find ./ -name '*.lib'      -exec $(RM) {} \;
	@find ./ -name '*.var'      -exec $(RM) {} \;
	@find ./ -name '*.diag'     -exec $(RM) {} \;
	@find ./ -name '*.sim'      -exec $(RM) {} \;
	@$(RM) INCA_libs
	@$(RM) ./lib/*
	@$(RM) ./.simvision
	@$(RM) ~/.simvision
	@$(RM) ./shm/*

# Target: help
# Display information about all available targets
	@echo "                                                                                "
	@echo "   Usage:                                                                       "
	@echo "                                                                                "
	@echo "      make <target>                                                             "
	@echo "                                                                                "
	@echo "   Available targets are:                                                       "
	@echo "                                                                                "
	@echo "   help        -- Prints this help                                              "
	@echo "   worklib     -- Creates a new work library $(LIBDIR)/$(WORK)                  "
	@echo "   list        -- Display the contents of the $(WORK) library                   " 
	@echo "   list_all    -- Display the contents of all $(CDSLIB) libraries               "
	@echo "   nclaunch    -- Start NCLaunch attached to the current environment setup      "
	@echo "   prepare     -- Compile and elaborate the design without simulating           "
	@echo "   sim         -- Compile, elaborate and simulate the design in $(RUNMODE)-mode "
	@echo "   lint        -- Call Incisive HAL linting tool (not yet implemented)          "    
	@echo "   clean       -- Delete all log files and other temporary files                "
	@echo "   clean_all   -- Delete everything (libraries, waveforms etc.)                 "
	@echo "                                                                                "

Simple ./scripts/shm.tcl script for NCSim:

database -open waves -into ./shm/waves.shm -default
probe -create -shm -all -variables -depth all

Makefile for Cadence RTL Compiler (RC)

# log directory
LOGDIR = ./log

# RTL Compiler executable
RC = rc

# RTL Compiler command line options
RCOPTS = -gui                        \
         -logfile $(LOGDIR)/rc.log   \
         -cmdfile $(LOGDIR)/rc.cmd   \
         -overwrite                  \
         -files ./scripts/synthesize.tcl

# Target: syn
# call Cadence RTL Compiler with input main Tcl script
        $(RC) $(RCOPTS)

# Target: clean
# delete all log and backup files
      	find ./ -name '*.log*'     -exec rm -f {} \;
        find ./ -name '*~'         -exec rm -f {} \;        

Makefile Cadence Encounter Digital Implementation (EDI)

        $(EDI) $(EDIOPTS)

Last update: Luca Pacher - Apr 24, 2014