EDA tools official support and training
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Cadence support and training
The most part of the design tools licensed by INFN for the VLSI laboratory comes from the Cadence Design Systems EDA software and engineering services company. Actually, tens of different tools for analog, mixed-mode and digital IC design are grouped into various design platforms (also known as packages), providing unified front-to-back design environments. Due to the complexity of such platforms, Cadence offers extensive documentation for these tools and each collection of tools comes with its own documentation.
With a complitely free registration at http://www.cadence.com you can create a basic Cadence account.
Higher privileges are required to access the confidential online documentation instead,
which can be obtained with a Cadence Limited Online Support account, as described below.
Cadence Limited Online Support (LOS) request
The VLSI lab relies on the EUROPRACTICE third party European IC fabrication and EDA software services provider for any aspects regarding design tools (e.g. software downloads and licensing) and foundry access. All VLSI users are therfore eligible for a Cadence Limited Online Support account which is offered by the EUROPRACTICE Software Service. Such an account is freely available to all EUROPRACTICE/Cadence customers. The authenitication requires a Reference Key provided by the EUROPRACTICE Software Service to the research institution. A Cadence Limited Online Support account gives higher privileges with respect to the basic Cadence login, allowing users to search through confidential online documentation such as application notes, product manuals, troubleshooting info etc. contained in Cadence restricted databases at http://support.cadence.com.
Further login restrictions however denie software downloads or to get official support from Cadence, both requiring
the payment of subscriptions.
To get your Cadence Limited Online Support account, please contact the VLSI lab system administrator
(mazza@NOSPAMto.infn.it remove NOSPAM in the address)
and ask for the Reference Key already provided
by the EUROPRACTICE Software Service to INFN of Turin.
Once you have obtained the Reference Key, register to the Cadence Online Support at http://support.cadence.com and cut and paste the access code when required.
Complete the registration procedure by entering any additional required information.
After the account has been activated you will receive a confirmation email from Cadence services.
For more information read the Cadence Online Support Getting Started Guide.
Cadence official training courses
If you aim to attend a Cadence (actually very expensive!) training course you can find all necessary information at http://www.cadence.com/training/
Synopsys online support and documentation
Called SolvNet
The site_info
file that contains a valid site ID required to complete the registration procedure can be found under the Synopsys Common Licensing (SCL) installation directory as
Please, follow the Synopsys's official instructions.
Mentor online support and documentation
Called SupportNet
Similary to Synopsys' SolvNet, a valid site ID is required to complete the registration procedure
You can find a valide site ID number in the Mentor license file placed under
for the elt59xl.to.infn.it server machine.