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Synopsys Sentaurus TCAD

connect to the virtual machine

ssh -X

The first time you start Sentaurus, you have to set the STDB environment variable.

1. CAD admin usually creates a DB folder for each user inside /data. If not, create a folder called DB inside your space on /data disk
DON'T put your DB folder inside /home, or the simulations will saturate the disk in a short time and TCAD will crash.

sudo mkdir /data/users/<your_name>/DB

2. edit your .cshrc file by typing (NOTE: by default, administrator sets cshell as default shell for users)

sentenv STDB = /data/users/<your_name>/DB

lauch Sentaurus Workbench by typing


or Structure Editor


!!!selinux disabled to let xauth work properly (configuration file edited)


  1. Simulation with correct syntax fails (red node color):
    • saturated disk space
    • you changed the command file between one node and the other

Request an account/report a problem

mail me for hardware problems with the server, contact Centro di Calcolo

Running simulations/ CPU usage

When you run a simulation, you can specify the number of threads/cores which will be used. Our machine has 16 cores: usually, the programs accepts a number of threads <16.
Please don't use the “priority run” option, this will not speed up that much the simulation but will consume a lot of computing resources.

Where to learn Sentaurus

Europractice courses:
Basic tutorial by Synopsys: click on the “T” icon on Sentaurus Workbench