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Synopsys Sentaurus TCAD

connect to the virtual machine

ssh -X

lauch Sentaurus Workbench by typing


or Structure Editor


!!!selinux disabled to let xauth work properly (configuration file edited)

1. create a window for your doping concentration, here I used the “Line” option (other possibilities are rectangle, polygon..)
syntax “window name” “window type” (window start coordinate) (window end coordinate)

(sdedr:define-refeval-window "Ndeep_wind1" "Line"  (position xndeep0 @L@ 0.0)  (position xndeep1 @L@ 0.0) )

2. define the doping profile placement and the direction

(sdedr:define-analytical-profile-placement "AnalyticalProfilePlacement_Ndeep1" "AnalyticalProfileDefinition_Ndeep1" "Ndeep_wind1" "Negative" "NoReplace" "Eval")

3. set the type of dopant, peak position and value, value at junction (the doping concentration of the bulk) and junction depth (where your doping joins the bulk). NOTE!!!: peak position is relative to your profile, it is NOT the coordinate of peak in the whole device.

(sdedr:define-gaussian-profile "AnalyticalProfileDefinition_Ndeep1" "ArsenicActiveConcentration" "PeakPos" 1  "PeakVal" 5e+17 "ValueAtDepth" 2.5e+12 "Depth" 2 "Gauss"  "Factor" 0.8)