Launch Structure Editor GUI by typing

sde &

when you draw a structure in SDE, the corresponding code is displayed in the window at the bottom. Then, you can select the code, remove comments and paste it to the SDE command file (sde_dvs.cmd) inside Sentaurus Workbench. The language used in sde command file is SCHEME

Defining variables: if you want to define a variable inside the command file, use the syntax (define <variable> <value>). Example:

(define x1 100)

To use a variable defined inside the project, use @<variable_name>@

1. create a window for your doping concentration, here I used the “Line” option (other possibilities are rectangle, polygon..)
syntax “window name” “window type” (window start coordinate) (window end coordinate)

(sdedr:define-refeval-window "Ndeep_wind1" "Line"  (position xndeep0 @L@ 0.0)  (position xndeep1 @L@ 0.0) )

2. define the doping profile placement and the direction

(sdedr:define-analytical-profile-placement "AnalyticalProfilePlacement_Ndeep1" "AnalyticalProfileDefinition_Ndeep1" "Ndeep_wind1" "Negative" "NoReplace" "Eval")

3. set the type of dopant, peak position and value, value at junction (the doping concentration of the bulk) and junction depth (where your doping joins the bulk). NOTE!!!: peak position is relative to your profile, it is NOT the coordinate of peak in the whole device.

(sdedr:define-gaussian-profile "AnalyticalProfileDefinition_Ndeep1" "ArsenicActiveConcentration" "PeakPos" 1  "PeakVal" 5e+17 "ValueAtDepth" 2.5e+12 "Depth" 2 "Gauss"  "Factor" 0.8)

Profile definitions can be applied to multiple refeval-windows

Basic Structure Editor Guide for LGADs