Tesi di Laurea CMS
Giulia Gonella Study of Multi-Boson Final States in the CMS Experiment at LHC
Federica Tarsitano Study of the Noise in the Electromagnetic Calorimeter and Analysis of the Invariant Mass Spectrum of the Y(nS)g in the CMS experiment at LHC
Giulia Negro Study of the energy scale of converted photons and precise measurement of the mass of the chib(3P) state with the CMS experiment at LHC
Violetta Cogoni Measurement of the chi_b(3P) feeddown into Y(3S)
Ennio Monteil Front-End amplifiers in 65nm CMOS technology for the upgrade of the pixel detector of the CMS experiment
Simone Pagliari Muon momentum scale measurements in the CMS experiment
Fabio Ravera Characterization and performance of 3D silicon pixel detectors for CMS
Alberto Traverso Study of the b-tagging algorithms of the experiment CMS at LHC
Alessandro Degano Study of P-wave bottomonia with the CMS experiment at LHC
Gian Luca Pinna Angioni Study of the signal lineshape in the analysis for the search of H -> ZZ(∗) -> 4l at CMS
Stefano Casasso Study of pp -> Z + b process with the CMS detector as a background in Higgs boson search
Luca Pacher LePix: monolithic pixel detector for LHC tracking systems
Emanuele Usai Measurement of the production ratio of chic1 and chi2 with the CMS detector at LHC
Serena Oggero The CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter: preparatory studies for the experiment startup
Andrea Gozzelino Calibrazione del calorimetro elettromagnetico dell’esperimento CMS ad LHC usando la simmetria azimutale con eventi di Minimum Bias
Sara Bolognesi Studio della rottura spontanea di simmetria mediante il processo di fusione di bosoni vettori nell'ambito dell'esperimento CMS
Riccardo Bellan Observables in VV-fusion at the CMS experiment
Gianluca Cerminara A study of the WW fusion process at CMS as a probe of symmetry breaking