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UNIX basic commands

  • Introduction
  • bash and tcsh shells
  • Working with directories
  • Environment variables
  • Editing text files
  • Other Web tutorials

Ce ne sono un sacco in giro per il Web, ma qui raccolgo SOLO il minimo indispensabile per lavorare, niente di superfluo!

only the bare minimum!

Familiarity with Linux is necessary

If you are not familiar with using Unix/GNU Linux this page is intended to provide a description of basic linux commands and references to more information.

When working in Linux, you will activate a terminal and inside the terminal shell will be running, i.e. a program interpreting your commands. Commands are typed inside this shell, and you press ENTER to issue them. For most commands, additional arguments can be issued by using minus signs (where \ signs are used in Windows), e.g. command -a - b -c or command -abc. To find out what options are available for a given command, and what those options do, type command –help, which works in most cases, or try to have a more detailed information with the man command.

Other useful links:

CMS WorkBook -

BaBar WorkBook

Command Description
man <command>
cd <dirName>
cd /path/to/directory
cd ..
cd .
mkdir <dirName>
ls -l
ls -althr
ls <dirName>
ls /path/to/dirName
mv <oldName> <newName>
mv <fileName> /path/to/newName
cp bla bla bla
rm <fileName>
acroread fileName.pdf
evince fileName.pdf

Set alias in ~/.cshrc file

alias ll 'ls -ahl'

or in a ~/.bashrc

alias ll='ls ahl'

Environment variables

export VarName=value     # sh and sh-like shells (e.g. bash)
setenv varName value     # csh and csh-like shells (e.g. tcsh)
set varName=value

NOTA! variabili settate con set sono viste solo dalla shell, con setenv/export anche dai programmi!

Find files

which <command>


which cdsterm
find /path/to/start/directory -name fileName

Text editors

nano, vi, gedit, nedit


emacs -nw <fileName>

Create a zipped file:

zip fileName

Extract a zipped file:


Create a gzipped file:

gzip fileName

Extract a gzipped file:

gunzip fileName.gz     [gzip -d fileName.gz]

Create a .tar.gz archive:

tar -czvf fileName.tar.gz /path/to/directory

Extract a .tar.gz archive:

tar -xzvf fileName.tar.gz

Create a .tar.bz2 archive:

tar -cjvf fileName.tar.bz2 /path/to/directory

Extract a .tar.bz2 archive:

tar -xjvf fileName.tar.bz2

Extract a .rar file:

unrar fileName.rar