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Giovanni Mazza - Wiki personal page

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Personal data


Name: Giovanni Mazza
Birth Date: November 15, 1968
Birth Place: Biella (TO), Italy
Citizenship: Italian
Skype: gianni.mazza.1968

Office: Old building, 1st floor, room A31
Phone: +39.011.670.7380
Fax: +39.011.669.9579

Current position

  • digital and mixed-mode ASIC designer
  • INFN technician
  • Electronics Service manager at INFN, Turin Section
  • VLSI design laboratory coordinator and system administrator
  • EUROPRACTICE site representative
  • foundry access and IC sumbmission supervisor

About me

Skills and interests

Digital and mixed-mode IC design, UNIX system administration, EUROPRACTICE site representative


Conferences and workshops

My links

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