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André Goerres - Wiki personal page (template)

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Personal data

Name: André Goerres
Birth Date: 2 October 1985
Birth Place: Aachen, Germany
Citizenship: Aachen, Germany

About me

I'm a physicist from Aachen, Germany, who likes riding my motorcycle, watching a lot of US and UK TV series, programming (small scripts, homepages), photography, and a lot of other stuff that comes along the way.

My main hobby, though, is working voluntarily at the German Federal Agency for Technical Relief (German: Technisches Hilfswerk, THW). An organization, where the people are trained and equipped to help during large scale (natural) disasters like earthquakes, gas explosions, floodings, train accidents, … . It is, to some extend, similar to the Italian Protezione Civile.

Work related

Concerning my work, I'm a member of the PANDA collaboration and involved in developing readout electronics for the Micro Vertex Detector. It is the innermost detector and based on silicon pixel and strips, which have to endure high radiation doses while achieving a high position resolution and high rate capability.

Currently I'm working on the digital part for a readout ASIC for the MVD strip part, the so called PASTA chip (PANDA Strip ASIC). It is based on the TOFPET ASIC, which was also developed with the help of INFN Torino.


None so far.

Conferences and workshops

I'm a member of the PANDA collaboration, so you will most probably find me at the regular PANDA collaboration meetings.

My links

Blog: upper.stage (German)
Log of PhD thesis: dr.andre

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