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André Goerres - Wiki personal page (template)

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Personal data

Name: André Goerres
Birth Date: 2 October 1985
Birth Place: Aachen, Germany
Citizenship: Aachen, Germany

About me

I'm a physicist from Aachen, Germany, who likes riding my motorcycle, watching a lot of US and UK TV series, programming (small scripts, homepages), photography, and a lot of other stuff that comes along the way.

My main hobby, though, is working voluntarily at the German Federal Agency for Technical Relief (German: Technisches Hilfswerk, THW). An organization, where the people are trained and equipped to help during large scale (natural) disasters like earthquakes, gas explosions, floodings, train accidents, … . It is, to some extend, similar to the Italian Protectione Civile.


None so far.

Conferences and workshops

My links

Blog: upper.stage (German)
Log of PhD thesis: dr.andre

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