Questa è una vecchia versione del documento!


It's a very complex paper, written with care and with a strong effort for clarity. As a SUSY non-expert, it's not the easiest paper to follow, but the authors managed to explain their reasoning very clearly.

I only have one comment to improve readability: it would be nice to have more pseudo-Feynman diagrams to follow the reasonings. One picture with the diagrams of the processes listed in Table 1 would help a lot.

L5: and the production cross sections and decay properties for particles. =⇒ and their production cross sections and decay properties.

L7: However, in principal, the results =⇒ However the results

L20: be compared to a theoretical prediction from a SUSY or non-SUSY model to determine =⇒ be compared to theoretical predictions from a SUSY or non-SUSY models to determine

L36-37: “objects”. Let's call them “quantities”, they are objects only in the virtual universe of a specific programming language.

L63: The e/μ ANN analysis ⇒ The so called “e/μ ANN” analysis

L102: chosen that =⇒ chosen to

L110: None of the specific predictions of the cMSSM are applied =⇒ Very mysterious sentence, please make it clearer or delete it.

L113: decay chain ends in the decay to a neutral =⇒ decay chain ends with a neutral

L119: In general, the Simplified Models =⇒ The Simplified Models

L165: SUSY expressions =⇒ not clear what these “expressions” are in PYTHIA

L170: compared with the SUSY cross section =⇒ Do we need to add what kind of SUSY is this one?

L172: [33]. ^2 =⇒ [33]^2 .

L305: b tag =⇒ b-tag

Table1: what is the logic of the different number of horizontal lines? Sometimes there are 1, or 2 or 3.

Figures 1,2,3 and 4: 7 TeV =⇒ \sqrt{s} = 7 TeV Figures 2,3 and 4: they quote the year “CMS 2012”. 2 issues: 1) do we need to add the year to plots? If yes, please add it to Fig. 1 as well 2) Normally the date refers to the data taking period, not to the date of the paper: “2012” can lead to the confusion that this are 2012 data, at 8 TeV.


Type A:

L12: Not clear at this stage which aspects of the Simplified Models are “In contrast” to the cMSSM (I guess the main difference is the strength of the couplings…).

What's about “is fully defined specifying the masses and the production and decay sequence of a set of new particles”

L35: “built around” → I am not a native English speaker but it sound a bit strange to me being almost CMS “contained” within the solenoid

L.106-110: the order of the sentences “In this document…applied” could be rearranged

⇒ “In this document, the selection of models used is motivated by the particles and interactions of the cMSSM (or generalized gauge mediation [31]) and, for convenience, the particle naming convention of the MSSM is adopted. However, Simplified Models can be reconstructed based on different SUSY or non-SUSY phenomenology and in this analysis none of the specific predictions of the cMSSM are applied.”

L.165: “SUSY expressions” → “SUSY predictions”

L.170: since it is used later, one should probably emphasize even more what is the “benchmark”

⇒ Then [sigma x BF]_UL is compared to the SUSY benchmark cross section …“

L.181: “chargino mass” → “heavier (or intermediate?) neutralino mass”

For clarity, should be underlined that this corresponds to x=1/2 of L.116, as in the caption of Fig.1?

L.187: “different mass parameters” → for clarity one should probably write explicitly “different values of the masses of the gluino and of the lightest neutralino”

L.198 (and Fig.1): While it is clear how efficiency*acceptance is extracted it is less clear why the figures on the right do not show the same pattern (e.g. isolines) of those on the left but with a different scale. More specifically: the text mentions “the predicted background”. Is the number of predicted background events the same for all the points in the (m(~g),m(LSP)) plane and then the difference arises only when including it in the CLs calculation? Or is the selection of the events different in different regions of the (m(~g),m(LSP)) plane, so the number of selected events changes as well?

L.214: remove “The limits are thus subject to statistical fluctuations” (as everything…)

Fig.1 In the top header of each plot: Why m(~q)»m(~g) and not the opposite?

caption “chargino” → “neutralino”