Questa è una vecchia versione del documento!

It's a very complex paper, written with care and with a strong effort for clarity. As a not SUSY expert, it's not the easiest paper to follow, but the authors managed to explain their reasoning very clearly.

I only have one comment to improve readability: it would be nice to have more pseudo-Feynman diagrams to follow the reasonings. One picture with the diagrams of the processes listed in Table 1 would help a lot.

L5: and the production cross sections and decay properties for particles. =⇒ and their production cross sections and decay properties.

L7: However, in principal, the results =⇒ However the results

L20: be compared to a theoretical prediction from a SUSY or non-SUSY model to determine =⇒ be compared to theoretical predictions from a SUSY or non-SUSY models to determine

L36-37: “objects”. Let's call them “quantities”, they are objects only in the virtual universe of a specific programming language.

L63: The e/μ ANN analysis ⇒ The so called “e/μ ANN” analysis

L102: chosen that =⇒ chosen to

L110: None of the specific predictions of the cMSSM are applied =⇒ Very mysterious sentence, please make it clearer or delete it.

L113: decay chain ends in the decay to a neutral =⇒ decay chain ends with a neutral

L119: In general, the Simplified Models =⇒ The Simplified Models

L165: SUSY expressions =⇒ not clear what these “expressions” are in PYTHIA

L170: compared with the SUSY cross section =⇒ Do we need to add what kind of SUSY is this one?

L172: [33]. ^2 =⇒ [33]^2 .

L305: b tag =⇒ b-tag

Table1: what is the logic of the different number of horizontal lines? Sometimes there are 1, or 2 or 3.

Figures 1,2,3 and 4: 7 TeV =⇒ \sqrt{s} = 7 TeV Figures 2,3 and 4: they quote the year “CMS 2012”. 2 issues: 1) do we need to add the year to plots? If yes, please add it to Fig. 1 as well 2) Normally the date refers to the data taking period, not to the date of the paper: “2012” can lead to the confusion that this are 2012 data, at 8 TeV.