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Mailing list

  1. Sensors
    1. CSM Barcelona, Manual Lozano: sensor design
    2. JSI, University of Ljubljana, Gregor Kramberger: simulations, sensor testing and irradiations.
    3. Univ. Freiburg, Ulrich Parzefall: sensor testing, also including joining sensors and front end electronic into some form of test module. Team: Susanne Kühn, Ulrich Parzefall and Karl Jakobs plus possible efforts from a student and our workshops
    4. Univ. Firenze, Mara Bruzzi: Sensor design and Testing
    5. Univ. Trento, Gian-Franco Dalla Betta: Sensor development Team: two staff people (Lucio Pancheri and myself) + 1 PhD student. We would like to hire a post-doc if the project is funded.
    6. UC Santa Cruz, Hartmut Sadrozinski: Sensor design and testing.
  2. Front-end electronics
    1. INFN Torino, Nicolo Cartiglia: front-end chip design.
  3. Off-detector electronics
    1. OEAW Wien, Manfred Krammer; Off-detector electronics