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Type B

As it is currently written, it is not clear if this measurement really provides a benchmark in the search of ttH production. If we understand correctly, for ttH observation the ttbb cross-section is needed, not the ratio. The measurement and the prediction for ttbb are still affected by large uncertainty so a first step is the measurement of the ttbb/ttjj ratio (and its comparison with theory). We think that this should be stated clearly as otherwise the reader could think that a measurement of ttbb with an adequate level of accuracy for the ttH search has been achieved while this is not clearly the case (at least to our understanding).

One should state clearly in the introduction the menu of measurements which will be described

  • measurement of the ttbb cross section with pT_jet > 20 GeV and comparison with MadGraph prediction (which is relevant by itself as it is needed for ttH searches)
  • measurement of the ttbb/ttjj for pT_jet>20 GeV and comparison with MadGraph (which is more systematic free measurement)
  • measurement of ttbb/ttjj for pT_jet>40 Gev which is what is compared to available NLO QCD predictions

Type A

Abstract Last line “… are compared…”: no statement on the level of agreement between measurement and prediction is given. Why?

L9: ref 7 is a huge volume… Quoting the cross-section and its uncertainty would make the scope of the paper more clear.

L21-22: while it is true that many uncertainties cancel in the ratio, it is not clear how a measurement of the ratio would help in determining the value of ttbb cross-section which is the quantity needed for ttH search.

L31-36: add the accuracy (LO, NLO, ..) of MadGraph and Powheg event generator.

L59: we are enthusiatic about the label “ttLF” for indicating events with two jets from light parton in the acceptance (not sure that “gluon” can be considered really a flavour) Moreover “L” and “F” seems really to indicate different flavours (suggestion: just call them “ttLL”)

L67: “Bremsstrahlung” why capitalized?

L70: “…using Z boson…” probably you mean Drell Yan events in a mass range around 91 GeV (so just specify the mass range)

L88: “hard b-tag selection” usually the b-tagging selction are specified by “tight/medium/loose” working point. For non-CMS users “hard” is meaningless as you specify the efficiency, contamination performance. For CMS users who want to reproduce your results, “hard” is useless. Suggestion: remove “hard” and substitute it with the WP label.

L93: is “gluon” technically a “flavour”?

L96: “GeV/c” → “GeV/c^2”

L104-113: it seems there are few “shortcuts” in the description of how the measurement is extracted. If we have understood the procedure correctly 1. only events with exactly four jets are retained 2. the four jets in the kinematic acceptance are sorted in decreasing significance of the b-tagging discriminator 3. ttbb and ttjj signals are extracted by a template fit of the CSV distributions of the two jets with lowest probability of being a b-jet according to the CSV value 4. (It seems there is still an ambiguity in the procedure.) The two distributions can be fitted at the same time with ttbb and ttjj templates having their proportion (the ttbb/ttjj ratio) as parameter of the fit OR the ttbb and ttjj are evaluated separately and you define ttbb/ttjj ratio from the ratio of the individual cross-sections.

L125: “poorly knwn contribution of Z+bb” do you mean in the MadGraph MC sample?

L144+8: “After correcting… discriminator.” This probably clarifies our previous comment on L104-113 on how the ratio of the cross-sections is extracted. Perhaps one should write it before and here just discuss the systematics on the ratio.

L145: specify at which QCD order the MadGraph and Powheg predictions have been computed.

L174: add a statement on the level of agreement found with the predictions.

Table 1 Please specify if the ttjj signal is the sum of ttbj+ttcc+ttLF. Caption: “The given uncertainty… is statistical” → “…only statistical” Also: the statistical uncertainty is reported only on the total while it should be written for each contribution.

Figure 1: label on the y-axis “Jets” should be “Jet” (singular)