Questa è una vecchia versione del documento!

Stefano C.

Congratulations to the authors: the paper is well written, easy-to-read and understadable even if the topic is far from being simple. Some minor comments below

Type B

- I had sometimes the feeling that this paper has been written by many hands. This is understandable, given the size of the topic, but sometimes it results in repetitions and suboptimal connections between the paragraphs. In addition, in some paragraph there seem to be much more details with respect to others, and it is not always clear the reason. Example will be highlighted in type A comments

- All the plots have “CMS Preliminary 2012”

- In figure 21 the results on the parallel and perpendicular resolution functions are presented. In our understanding, they are expected to agree within the uncertainty among the different channels in which they are measured, namely Z+jets and photon+jets, but clearly they do not, especially for the parallel component. Do you have any hint why? Moreover, the specific algorithms for PU mitigation seem to overperform the PF Et much more in the the Z+jets channels with respect to the photon+jets: why this behaviour? Is it a hint of the correlation between the samples used in the validation and the ones used in the BDT training?

Type A

- Abstract: as a general comment, it is a bit too long and detailed and it may be largely improved in readability

1) there are 8 “missing transverse momentum (energy)”. I know it's hard to find a synonymous for that, but maybe not all are necessary. For instance, in line 9 of the abstract: “missing transverse momentum resolution” → “(its) resolution”

2) “Using these advanced …”: drop this sentence, since the message is already clear from the previous one

L52: X0 is not defined

L145: DeltaR is not defined and will be defined later in another paragraph (see also type A comment about this)

Figure 2: it's not clear why such a plot is important in this context. In addition, why the Data to MC ratio is not drawn here?

L163: eq 1 is a definition, not a condition! You may want to refer to the same cut applied for the muons and introduced in line n.156

L171-176: it would be clearer to first define the “working points” and then use them in the text.

L174: “quality requirements” is a bit generic (see also type A comment)

L180-181: “the standard jet identification criteria” is again too generic and “standard” has a meaning only within the collaboration. Either explain further, or use a reference where those criteria are defined, as it is done one line below for the b-tagging.

Figure 3: do you have any clue why the Data/MC ratio is so close to 1 for photon events with respect to Z→mumu or Z→ee?

L198: here you define Delta R, why it should have been defined earlier (see comment for L145)

L393-395: I do not understand this statement

Figure 7: what is “EWK” and why is it so asymmetric in u_parallel for photon+jets events?

Table 2: why gamma+jets sigma_0 measurement has a much smaller error with respect to Z+jets?

Table 3: same comment as for Table 2 + in general there is some tension among Z+jets and photon+jets channels… maybe errors are underestimated?

Figure 13: Why Calo Et has a better data-MC agreement with respect to PF Et?

L516-519: it would be more readable after rephrasing like: “The following inputs are used for the BDT: …”

L527-528: “They agree…” I would drop this sentence, since it is not possible to get it from the plots. BTW: is it expected and desirable?

L564-565: why “variables”? Isn't it just Et the variable of interest?

L674-680: here the authors list as “interesting features” a couple of things which follow directly from the definition and the (correct) implementation of the significance. Maybe it would be better to rephrase with “It can be noticed how events arising from zero true Et … are mostly found at low values of significance…”

L714-716: What is instead the performance of the simple Et cut as a function of pile-up? Does it degrade more or less than the Et-significance?

Figure 29: I would put the reference to fig 22-23 in the caption rather than in the plot itself (which is also painful if you change somehow the order or the number of the figures in the document)