Questa è una vecchia versione del documento!

Stefano C.

Congratulations to the authors: the paper is well written, easy-to-read and understadable even if the topic is far from being simple. Some minor comments below

Type B

- I had sometimes the feeling that this paper has been written by many hands. This is understandable, given the size of the topic, but sometimes it results in repetitions and suboptimal connections between the paragraphs. Example will be highlighted in type A comments

Type A

- Abstract: as a general comment, it is a bit too long and detailed and it may be largely improved in readability

1) there are 8 “missing transverse momentum (energy)”. I know it's hard to find a synonymous for that, but maybe not all are necessary. For instance, in line 9 of the abstract: “missing transverse momentum resolution” → “(its) resolution”

2) “Using these advanced …”: drop this sentence, since the message is already clear from the previous one