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Commenti di Gian Luca P

Line 30: Could be useful specify that the observation is a consequence of a 5 sigma statistical significance? e.g. …decay could be observed. → …decay could be observed reaching 5 sigma statistical significance needed to declare the discovery.

Line 84: and and → and

Line 90: …with high mass, 100 GeV to a few.. → ..with high mass, from 100 GeV to a few..

Line 92: CMS is designed to be able to study B decays → CMS is automatically designed to be able to study B decays .

Line 93: they instrument complementary geometrical volume → they work on complementary geometrical volume. I didn't find the use of instrument as a verb anywhere.

From 151 to 155: I will reconstruct the sentence in order to be more

immediately understood.

Both analyses include in the MVA the displacement between the production and decay vertices of the B meson to discriminate against combinatorial background. Therefore the efficiency as a function of lifetime has a model dependent correction [22], which is estimated through simulations assuming SM dynamics. → Since both analyses include in the MVA the displacement between the production and decay vertices of the B meson the eefficiency, as a function of lifetime, has a model dependent correction [22], which is estimated through simulations assuming SM dynamics. (Or something like that…)

Line 161: I guess the data-taking periods means to 2011 2012 and consequently the energy in the centre-of-mass. I will replace data-taking periods with the energy in the centre-of-mass.

Figure 3: I will add the SM prediction also to the two plots on the left as in Figure 4.

Line 396: Same problem as line 93.

Extended data figure 6: I will add the SM model prediction.

Commenti di Stefano A.

The Torino group wishes to congratulate the authors for this achievement and for the very well written paper. Below we have a few small comments.

Type B

1. There is no mention on how the backgrounds are treated in the extraction of the BR until L484. We suggest to move the explanation to the “analyses” section.

2. In the introduction, the shortcomings of the SM are described at length (L40-47). This puts the reader in expectation of a measurement in disagreement with it. Unfortunately this analysis does not show any evidence of deviation from the SM. We therefore suggest to give less emphasis to the shortcomings and perhaps higlight the successes of the SM !

Type A

L26-30 : consider removing from “The LHC experiments “ to the end of the paragraph. The point is already made in L209 and it does not say anything about the content of the present paper, so there is no need to make it in the summary.

L41: keeping in mind comment 1. above, we don’t understand the choice of references here. L41 says “recent years”, yet Refs [6,7] are from 1995. Perhaps in L41 [6,7] should be replaced by [8], and [6,7] should be moved to right after “(CP violation)”.

L46: replace “mounted “ with prepared/designed/devised/envisaged

L50: a large space is present between the period and “In the SM“

L53: remove the word “complicated”

L53: “diagrams with” → diagrams featuring

L57: “there was a large gap” → The precision achievable by experiments was too low to enable a confirmation of SM predictions

L84: “deviations due to physics outside of it” → deviations from it

L85-L92: wonder if this blabla on the strategies for the search for NP isn’t a bit outside the scope of the present work

L118: “multivariate analysis (MVA) discrimination variables that combine ..” The variables are just variables, not MVA variables. Suggest : “m_mumu, and a set of kinematic and topological variables combined using MVA analysis techniques.” . Optionally add “These techniques allow superior S/B discriminating power and and efficiency “

L123-126: consider removing “The invariant mass … not detected”

L126: “There is also “ → “Another source of ”

L131: remove the word “dangerous”

L135: “direction of the muons relative to the beam direction” →”relative to the beam axis” (avoid repetition)

L258: the link of Ref [6] is broken

L262: “A&A” → replace with suitable abbreviation

L288: link of Ref [19] does not work

L382: “to a few tens of mm” : most lifetime plots have ranges up to a few mm, not tens of mm. One can argue that a tiny fraction of B will fly for “few tens of mm” (= centimeters), yet we wonder if the words “tens of” are a typo.

L397: we believe the symbol for radian is “rad” rather than “r”

L408: “translates to” → “translates into”

L492: mixing degrees and radians sounds awkward. Symbol for radians is “rad”

L433: “at the particle momenta in this analysis” → for the momentum range of interest for this analysis

L441: “look for heavy objects decaying into two muons” → remove the word “two”

L450: reference → references

L521: References → Refs.

L528: “this channel’s efficiency” → the efficiency of this channel

Fine commenti Stefano A.