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Identification of heavy flavour jets with the CMS detector at 13 TeV

A. English/Style/Formatting (including figures)

B. Everything else (e.g. strategy, paper structure, emphasis, additions/subtractions, etc).

================================ Ksenia

Type A

o) L 281 “Only SVs with MSV6.5 GeV are considered.” Missing “>”.

o) Figure 13, left bottom x-axis label “P(dusg)” —> “P(udsg)”

o) Figure 20 caption “Efficiency for c jet identification versus the misidentification probability for light- flavour jets (left) or b jets for various c tagging algorithms applied to jets in tt events.” —> Efficiency for c jet identification versus the misidentification probability for b jets (left) or light- flavour jets (right) for various c tagging algorithms applied to jets in tt events.

o) Figure 25 It says pruned mass 50-200 GeV, while in text at L 806 it said to start at 70: “Jets are selected when they have a pruned mass between 70 and 200 GeV”.

o) L1586 “For convenience, the discriminator values are transformed from [− 1, 1 [ to [− 1, 1 [+ 2 ( N jets − 2 )” Misprinted brackets (also in Fig. 43 caption)

o) L1711 “pt” —> “p_{T}”

Type B

o) “These additional simulated events are then reweighted according to the observed number of pileup collisions or the observed PV multiplicity.”

How the “observed number of PU collisions” is defined? Maybe I just misread this sentence…

o) Figure 17, top left What causes the rapid decrease of b-jet tagging efficiency after pt~100? Maybe one could add a few words explaining the effect around L548?

================================ Nadia

Type A

Type B