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Stefano C.


The paper is well written even though the analysis is quite complicated. Nevertheless the readability can be improved with a better description of the event samples and the channels involved in the analysis.

- For instance, it is not always clear which event sample is targeting which final state of the TT decay. One way of making it more clear would be to add a table with all the samples considered, the summary of the cuts applied to target specific final states etc.

- Another point is the following: how is the Higgs decay treated? In lines 65-66 the authors say that the decay of the Higgs is incusive assuming SM BRs: this is a clear statement about the MC samples used, but there is no mention on the strategy for “tagging” the Higgs in the data samples. How is the sample enriched in T→tH is not really explained, while it is clear how you are tagging W (leptons+MET, W-jets) or b-quark (CSV).



- “accumulated” → “collected”

Main Body

- L 14-28: consider putting a figure with a Feynman diagram of the processes involved

- L 20: what does “democratic” mean in this context?

- L 107-108: not sure that the reader wants to know efficiency and purity of b-tagging algorithm with such a precision

- L 110-112: it is not 100% clear the way you apply this additional jet-analysis and the interplay with the standard jet-recobstruction using the anti-kt algorithm. Please rephrase or add a statement to clarify

- L 145-148: the procedure is not clear to me. Furthermore: “initially” refers to what? If “initially” then also “finally” or “in a second step” should appear somewhere… Please rephrase this part

Figure 1

- consider using a different color for the pulls in the bottom, since it's exactly the same as the top background above

- where does the uncertainty come from? Statistics + systematics on the normalization? Add a line in the caption

- L 155-159: rephrase to avoid repetition

Table 2

- remove the arrow after lepton flavor

- L 175: consider removing “four”, since in the following lines (until L 183) the reader can find only 3 categories