Digital synthesis with Cadence RTL Compiler (RC)

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A complete tutorial:

Getting started with Cadence RTL Compiler (RC)

RTL Compiler for logic synthesis



Eseguibili in


type at the command line

rc [-gui] 
rc -help
rc -help >> ./doc/

with no & !

the console this time is the initial window from which you launched rc (that's why it had to be launched in the foreground). Infatti poi il prompt della shell UNIX diventa

rc:/> help
rc:/> help <command>

Per uscire dalla GUI:

RC GUI ⇒ File ⇒ Exit GUI

per quittare RC:

rc:/> exit

RC GUI ⇒ File ⇒ Source Script

rc:/> source rtl.tcl

SDC clock definition

rc:/> dc::create_clock -help

Usage: create_clock [-add] [-name <string>] [-comment <string>] [-domain <string>] -period <float>
           [-waveform <float>+] [-apply_inverted <port|pin>+] [<port|pin>+]

        should the sources add or overwrite 
    [-name <string>]:
        name of the clock 
    [-comment <string>]:
        comment to be tagged with this command 
    [-domain <string>]:
        name of the clock domain for the clock 
    -period <float>:
        clock period 
    [-waveform <float>+]:
        waveform string 
    [-apply_inverted <port|pin>+]:
        sources of the clock that are inverted 
        sources that are not inverted 

Fo deteiled information use

rc:/> man dc::create_clock 
-waveform <f><loat...>         Specifies the rise and fall edge times of
                               the clock waveform over one clock period. The
                               first value corresponds to the first rising
                               transition after time zero. The numbers should
                               represent one full clock period. If you omit this
                               option, a default waveform is assumed: the leading
                               edge occurs at 0 and the trailing edge occurs at
                               the midpoint of the period, such that a symmetric
                               clock is generated.

Post-synthesis simulation

Just simulate the synthesized Verilog netlist with the original testbench !

You must include detailed references to the Verilog description (source file/compiled Verilog) of STD cells for the technology you are working with

irun technology.v synthesized.v tb_design.v

Complete tutorial:

Last update: Luca Pacher - Mar 25, 2013