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vlsi:workbook:fpga:hdlsim [24/10/2013 14:30]
— (versione attuale)
Linea 1: Linea 1:
-====== Verilog/​VHDL simulation with Xilinx ISE ====== 
-[ __[[vlsi:​workbook:​fpga|Back to index]]__ ] 
-== Contents == 
-   * Introduction ​ 
-   * Documentation 
-   * Tutorials 
-====== Introduction ====== 
-====== Documentation ====== 
-====== Run the Xilinx ISE In-Depth Tutorial ====== 
-cd ~/​scratch/​xilinx 
-mkdir projects 
-cd ~/​scratch/​xilinx/​projects ​ 
-ise & 
-====== ====== 
-Last update: [[pacher@NOSPAMto.infn.it|Luca Pacher]] - Oct 24, 2013 