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PhD theses

XXVII cycle

Luca Pacher
Development of Integrated Pixel Front-End Electronics in 65 nm CMOS Technology
for Extreme Rate and Radiation at HL-LHC [ PDF ]
Final defense presentation FIXME
Supervisor: M. Costa

XXV cycle

Alberto Potenza
LePix: Monolithic Sensor for Particle Tracking in a 90 nm CMOS Technology [ PDF ]
Final defense presentation FIXME
Supervisor: A. Rivetti

XXIV cycle

Sara Garbolino
Integrated Front-End Electronics for High Precision Timing Measurements with Radiation Detectors [ PDF ]
Final defense presentation [ PDF ]
Supervisor: A. Rivetti

XXIII cycle

Thanushan Kugathasan
Low-Power High Dynamic Range Front-End Electronics for the Hybrid Pixel Detectors of the PANDA MVD [ PDF ]
Final defense presentation FIXME
Supervisor: A. Rivetti

XXI cycle

Giulio Dellacasa
The NA62 experiment: Gigatracker readout architecture [ PDF ]
Final defense presentation FIXME
Supervisor: F. Marchetto

XX cycle

Ozgur Cobanoglu
Development of Front-End and Data Transmission Integrated Circuits for Nuclear and HEP experiments [ PDF ]
Final defense presentation [ PDF ]
Supervisor: A. Rivetti

XIX cycle

Sorin Victor Martoiu
Design, Test and System Integration of Front-End Electronics for Particle Detection in High Energy Nuclear and Subnuclear Experiments [ PDF ]
Final defense presentation FIXME
Supervisor: A. Marzari Chiesa

External (Politecnico Torino)

Angelo Rivetti
????? [ PDF ]
Supervisor: ???

XV cycle

Gianni Favro (within the CMS Torino silicon strip tracker assembling group)
Studio delle prestazioni del rivelatore centrale di tracciamento dell’esperimento CMS
Supervisors: C. Peroni, N. Demaria

Last update: Luca Pacher - Aug 29, 2014