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-VLSI users mailing list: __//​[[vlsi-users@NOSPAMto.infn.it]]//​__ (remove NOSPAM in the address). +VLSI lab users __[[vlsi:​people:​mailing_list|mailing list]]__\\ 
 +__//​[[vlsi-users@NOSPAMto.infn.it]]//​__ (remove NOSPAM in the address).
 **//​Giovanni Mazza//​** ​      \\ **//​Giovanni Mazza//​** ​      \\
-Analog, digital and mixed-mode IC design, system administration,​ IC signoff and submission, fabrication service provider representative ​   \\+Analog, digital and mixed-mode IC design, system administration,​ IC signoff and submission, ​EUROPRACTICE ​fabrication/​software ​service provider ​site representative ​   \\
 +39.011.670.7380 \\                                          +39.011.670.7380 \\                                         
 //​[[mazza@NOSPAMto.infn.it ​  ​]]// ​  \\ //​[[mazza@NOSPAMto.infn.it ​  ​]]// ​  \\
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 //​[[rivetti@NOSPAMto.infn.it]]// ​                                  \\ //​[[rivetti@NOSPAMto.infn.it]]// ​                                  \\
 [[vlsi:​personalpages:​rivetti|Wiki personal page]] [[vlsi:​personalpages:​rivetti|Wiki personal page]]
 +**//Giulio Dellacasa//​** ​                                     \\
 +Digital IC design and FPGA programming,​ system administration \\
 ++39.011.670.7256 ​                                             \\                                         
 +//​[[gdellaca@NOSPAMto.infn.it ​  ​]]// ​                         \\
 ====== Wiki personal pages ====== ====== Wiki personal pages ======
-To access VLSI lab user's personal pages use+To access ​Electronics and VLSI lab user's personal pages use:
 +If you have a Wiki account and you want to create your own new personalpage,​ you can use 
 +__[[vlsi:​personalpages:​template|this template page]]__ .
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-Last update: [[pacher@NOSPAMto.infn.it|Luca Pacher]] - Jun 17, 2014+Last update: [[pacher@NOSPAMto.infn.it|Luca Pacher]] - Nov 11, 2014
 ~~NOTOC~~ ~~NOTOC~~