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vlsi:projects:panda:topix [18/09/2013 18:59]
vlsi:projects:panda:topix [27/10/2013 23:57]
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-====== ToPix chip main page ======+====== ​The ToPix ASIC Wiki home page ======
 [ __[[vlsi:​projects:​panda|Back]]__ ] [ __[[vlsi:​projects:​panda|Back]]__ ]
 [ __[[vlsi:​private:​projects:​panda:​topix|Private area]]__ ] [ __[[vlsi:​private:​projects:​panda:​topix|Private area]]__ ]
 +[ __[[vlsi:​private:​projects:​panda:​topix:​cadence|Cadence references (private)]]__ ]
 +See also
 +Some material and documentation:​
 +[[http://​indico.cern.ch/​contributionDisplay.py?​contribId=33&​sessionId=8&​confId=190941|The PANDA MicroVertex Detector: Design and Prototype Results, Vertex 2012, Jeju, Korea]]
 +[[http://​indico.cern.ch/​contributionDisplay.py?​contribId=1&​sessionId=53&​confId=170595|Triggerless Readout Architecture for the Silicon Pixel Detector of the PANDA Experiment, TWEPP 2012, Oxford, UK]]
 +A 15μW 12-bit dynamic range charge measuring front-end in 0.13μm CMOS]]// ​  \\
 +T. Kugathasan, G. Mazza, A. Rivetti, L. Toscano
 +====== ToPix v4 ======
 +To be submitted...
 +====== ToPix v3 ======
 +ToPix: a pixel chip for Panda MVD (G. Mazza), INFN Turin, CMS Tracker KickOff meeting, June 1, 2011]]//
 +Front-End Electronics for Pixel Detector of the PANDA MVD (T. Kugathasan),​ TWEPP 2009, Sep 22, 2009]]//
 +A CMOS 0.13μm Silicon Pixel Detector Readout ASIC for the PANDA experiment]]// ​
 +====== ToPix v2 ======
 +====== ToPix v1 ======
 +TOPIX: The first prototype of pixel readout for PANDA experiment]]// ​ \\
 +D. Calvo, P. De Remigis, S. Martoiu, A. Rivetti, R. Wheadon
 +Radiation damage test for TOPIX, 2007 LNL annual report]]//
 +TOPIX: the first prototype of pixel readout for PANDA experiment, 8th International Conference on Large Scale
 +Applications and Radiation Hardness of Semiconductor Detectors (D. Calvo), Jun 28, 2007]]//
 +Design in 0.13 μm: CF discriminator,​ chip for PANDA, CERN (S. Martoiu), Jul 4, 2006]]//