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vlsi:history [24/07/2014 01:06]
vlsi:history [24/07/2014 02:36] (versione attuale)
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 First microelectronics activities in Turin started in the early '90s with contributions ​ First microelectronics activities in Turin started in the early '90s with contributions ​
-of the //​[[Giancarlo Bonazzola]]//'​s group to the development of the front-end electronics  +of the //​[[Giancarlo Bonazzola]]//'​s group to the development of the front-end electronics 
-chip used in the **NA50** experiment at CERN.+chip named **FABRIC** [1] devoted to the readout of the silicon strips of the **NA50** experiment at CERN.
 The first chip prototype entirely designed using local resources only, named **TOA16** (a 16 channels ​ The first chip prototype entirely designed using local resources only, named **TOA16** (a 16 channels ​
 chip for the read out of silicon microstrip detectors for particle tracking) has been produced in 1994. chip for the read out of silicon microstrip detectors for particle tracking) has been produced in 1994.
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-====== NA50 early developments ====== 
-W. Dabrowski, J. DeWitt 
-//Fast bipolar front-end for binary readout of silicon strip detectors// ​  \\+\\ 
 +**References** \\ 
 +====== FABRIC and CPD  ====== 
 +FABRIC chip (Wladyslaw Dabrowsk, Giancarlo Bonazzola) 
 +   * full-custom bipolar bipolar process by Tektronix  
 +   * 64 channels (one channel per strip) 
 +   * binary readout 
 +   * analog amplification/​shaping + DISC (hit/no hit)  
 +CPD (Clock Driven Pipeline) chip (Joel DeWitt) [2] 
 +   * CMOS  
 +   * RAM-based digital readout for FABRIC outputs ​  
 +//Design and testing of fast, low-power, low-noise amplifier-comparator VLSI circuits// 1992 
 +//Radiation hardness measurements on components of a full custom bipolar process// 1993 \\ 
 +[1] //Fast bipolar front-end for binary readout of silicon strip detectors// ​1993   \\
 W. Dabrowski, G. Bonazzola, P. De Remigis, P. Giubellino ​  \\ W. Dabrowski, G. Bonazzola, P. De Remigis, P. Giubellino ​  \\
 [[http://​cds.cern.ch/​record/​261878/​files/​ppe-94-055.pdf]] [[http://​cds.cern.ch/​record/​261878/​files/​ppe-94-055.pdf]]
 +[2] //A pipeline and bus interface chip for silicon strip detector read out// 1993 \\
 +J. DeWitt ​  \\
 +//A fast high-granularity silicon multiplicity detector for the NA50 experiment at CERN//
 +//Radiation damage of silicon strip detectors in the NA50 experiment//​
 +====== The OLA chip ======
 +Technology: SHPi full-custom bipolar process by Tektronix
 +//OLA, A low-noise bipolar amplifier for the readout of silicon drift detectors// 1995 \\
 +W. Dabrowski, W. Bialas, G. Bonazzola, V. Bonvicini, F. Ceretto, P. Giubellino, M. Idzik,
 +M. Prest, L. Riccati, N. Zampa
 +//Low-noise monolithic bipolar front-end for silicon drift Detectors// 1999   \\
 +W. Bialas, G. Bonazzola, W. Bonvicini, L. Casati, F. Ceretto, P. Giubellino, ​
 +M. Prest, L. Riccati and N. Zampa 
 +//Design and operation of a fast high-granularity silicon detector system in a high-radiation environment//​ 1998
 +====== TERA 1.0 ======
 +   * CMOS 1.8 um technology
 +   * 14 channels
 +Several version of the ASIC have been already designed and used since 1996.
-//The silicon multiplicity detector ​for the NA50 experiment at CERN//+//Performances of a VLSI wide dynamic range current-to-frequency 
 +converter ​for strip ionisation chambers// 1997   \\ 
 +G. Bonazzola, R. Cirio, M. Donetti, F. Marchetto, G. Mazza, C. Peroni and A. Zampieri \\
 ====== ====== ====== ======
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-Last update: [[pacher@NOSPAMto.infn.it|Luca Pacher]] - Jun 92013+Last update: [[pacher@NOSPAMto.infn.it|Luca Pacher]] - Jul 232014 