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cms:fsq-17-001 [08/01/2018 16:35]
cms:fsq-17-001 [11/01/2018 18:20]
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 CDS record for the paper draft: http://​cms.cern.ch/​cds/​FSQ-17-001 CDS record for the paper draft: http://​cms.cern.ch/​cds/​FSQ-17-001
 +Type A (English/​Style/​Formatting)
 +Abstract (l.11) "​differential cross sections"​ -> "​differential cross section measured"​
 +l.155: "jets are clustered from stable particles":​ it sounds a bit like jargon and it refers to MC only
 +l.156: neutrino'​s -> neutrinos
 +Section "​Results":​ The order of the figures and their discussion in the text is not too linear. What about moving the second paragraph (l.202-214) at the point where Fig.4 is discussed in detail (e.g. at l.243) and focus the first part of this section on Fig.3 only?
 +l.204: "Pb+p lead" -> "​Pb+p"​
 +l.225: "​nonlinear curve" -> "curve for the prediction without gluon saturation"​
 +l.227: "​linear approach"​ -> "​approach including gluon saturation"​
 +Type B
 +l.126: what is the meaning of 7.63%? One events over thirteen (e.g. 1/7.63%) has an additional interaction?​
 +l.149: "​HIJING yields the best overall descriptions of the data"
 +This statement is debatable. Fig.2 indicates that in low energy bins QGSjets is not significantly worse than HIJING and seems to better reproduce the shape of the distribution. Furthermore on Fig.2: for HIJING the alignment uncertainty increases at higher E while for the other MC predictions this uncertainty decreases at higher E. Is this behavior understood?
 +l.172-175: "Model dependence"​ used in the unfolding is the largest source of systematic uncertainty.
 +Given the large discrepancy observed in the spectra (fig.1), is the use of different MC generators for assessing this uncertainty still valid? What is the effect of using one generator (e.g. EPOS-LHC) for unfolding the spectra predicted (at RECO level) by another generator (e.g. HIJING)?
 +l.180: what are the jets of non-hadronic origin? EM showers?
 +Fig.4: how was the unfolded ratio obtained? Is it the unfolded ratio (first divide the spectra bin-by-bin and then unfold) or the ratio of the unfolded spectra (first unfold and then divide)?