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cms:cms-exo-12-025 [10/04/2014 16:47]
cms:cms-exo-12-025 [11/04/2014 18:04]
Linea 1: Linea 1:
 http://​cms.cern.ch/​cds/​EXO-12-025 http://​cms.cern.ch/​cds/​EXO-12-025
-========= +--
 Nicolo'​ Nicolo'​
Linea 46: Linea 45:
 line 202: The variables Lt and Mass(WZ) ​ look very correlated. Can you add one sentence that explains why it’s a good choice to have both? line 202: The variables Lt and Mass(WZ) ​ look very correlated. Can you add one sentence that explains why it’s a good choice to have both?
-============================ +--
 Giacomo Giacomo
Linea 55: Linea 53:
 Line 221 From the text, it looks like every group of systematics is evaluated separately and at the end you have 4 sources of uncertainty (coming from a combination of the uncertainties within each group). I suggest to replace "we combine"​ with "we include"​. Also, why do you specify "the product"?​ Line 221 From the text, it looks like every group of systematics is evaluated separately and at the end you have 4 sources of uncertainty (coming from a combination of the uncertainties within each group). I suggest to replace "we combine"​ with "we include"​. Also, why do you specify "the product"?​
 +Line 266-273 Would it be possible to merge these 2 paragraphs? You describe twice how you compute the limits, from 2 different perspectives ​
 +Stefano C.
 +- General comments
 +1) The introduction lacks of details about the models tested: the reader may want to have a bit deeper insight on the production
 +mechanisms of this heavy guy, possibly introducing also the rho and pi TC hadrons
 +2) In general the paper is well written and clear apart from the chapter 4: it has several repetitions and the organization is sub-optimal,​ especially in the description of the objects (see also text comments). The section on the optimization of M(WZ) and LT cuts has too many details and will probably benefit from a plot with the interpolation of the cuts
 +3) The Lt variable, used for the optimization of the discrimination against background, does not seem (at least looking at fig. 1) 
 +to give much more information with respect to the M(WZ) cut. Is it known the improvement in the sensitivity by adding the Lt cuts
 +compared to the M(WZ) cut alone? ​
 +4) It's not 100% clear to me the assumptions that go into fig. 4 result: is the W'ZW coupling affecting only the BR(W'​->​WZ)?​
 +If so, fig. 4 does not add much information to fig. 2 but rather it is the explicit model dependent interpretation of the limits in the EGC model
 +- Text comments
 +L 86: ".. which produce different physics, but lead to ..." -> "​leading to"
 +L 101: remove "​full"​
 +L 117: define "​standalone muon", which is CMS jargon
 +L 127-129: in one line there are 3 "​simulated"​. Consider to use instead "​data-to-MC"​ or some other synonyms
 +L 123-124 & 127-128: consider merging these two sentences, since the information is the same
 +L 129: You mean "close to unity"?​ If they were really compatible with unity within the uncertainty it would make no sense to apply them
 +L 155: define Delta(pT)
 +L 144: "​overlapping"​ -> "​additional"​
 +L 162-163: Clearly this is something that improves the signal efficiency, but what about the overall sensitivity?​ In principle also the background efficiency improves... ​
 +L 163-164: consider merging this sentence with 127-128
 +L 210-211 & 215: is it really needed to explicitely quote the empirical interpolation in the main body?
 +L 214: what is a "​linear turn-on curve"?​
 +L 230-241: many repetitions of "we apply"
 +Table 1: too many lines and the efficiency does not have units (I assume they are in %)
 +L 238-241: These statements sounds obscure to me
 +L 246: "same analysis phase space" -> "same phase space of the analysis"​ ?