====== Useful SKILL routines (random) ====== [ __[[vlsi:workbook2:skill|Back]]__ ] \\ __**Random examples of SKILL usage for useful tasks**__\\ * Very basic looping over libraries/cells/views [[http://community.cadence.com/cadence_technology_forums/f/48/t/21034]] * Change recursively pin names/text labels (needed for schematic-based chip assembling and LVS) [[http://compgroups.net/comp.cad.cadence/skill-qn-how-to-change-pin-name-using-skill/1350540]] \\ [[http://www.edaboard.co.uk/replacing-label-text-with-skill-t99444.html]] * Create a bare symbol for all cells of a library (useful if you import a LEF-only STS cells/IO pads library without tapeout views) [[http://community.cadence.com/cadence_technology_forums/f/48/t/31168]] * Recursively retrieve metal shapes coordinates to evaluate area/length etc. (useful for instance to obtain matal resistance from technology sheet resistance) [[http://www.edaboard.com/thread295578.html]] * export GDS stream from SKILL (or define streamout/in defaults with streamOutKeys/streamInKyes in some startup file!) [[http://blog.csdn.net/wangzhanfei/article/details/5392645]] \\ [[http://www.cs.utah.edu/~elb/cadbook/UofU/cadence/OA/pipo/streamOut.il]] \\ [[http://www.cs.utah.edu/~elb/cadbook/UofU/cadence/OA/pipo/streamIn.il]] \\ [[http://wiki.epfl.ch/cfavi/bottomup]] * create pin labels for a design from Encounter, ref. to ''addPins.il'', ''makeLayout.il'' scripts from S. Bonacini * define a new bindkey to open the Library Manager hiSetBindKey("Command Interpreter" "F6" "ddsOpenLibManager()")