====== Writing a liberty file for the analog Front-End ====== [ __[[vlsi:workbook2|Back]]__ ] ====== Introduction ====== References to Synopsys liberty format and ho wto write a liberty desription for the analog Front-End ====== Documentation ====== Liberty is an **open source standard** from Synopsys for **standard cells modeling**. The liberty standard uses the **Composite Current Source (CCS)** modeling technology to perform complete timing, noise, power and statistical sign-off description of a digital cell. \\ Official liberty coalition Web page: [[http://www.opensourceliberty.org/]] User guide: //Liberty User Guides and Reference Manual Suite// (version 2013.12 the latest release) \\ Othere resources and links: [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_cell]] \\ [[http://siliconsaint.blogspot.it/2012/06/understanding-lib-and-writing.html]] \\ [[http://www.csee.umbc.edu/~cpatel2/links/641/slides/lect05_LIB.pdf]] \\ [[http://www.ece.msstate.edu/~reese/EE8273/lectures/synopsys/synopsys.pdf]] \\ ====== Liberty ====== ====== Case study: HIT from a discriminator ====== A liberty description of an analog Front-End reduces to a simple description of the **latch/FlipFlop** that registers the HIT information. ====== ====== \\ ---- Last update: [[pacher@to.infn.it|Luca Pacher]] - Apr 17, 2014 ~~NOTOC~~