====== Importing and exporting GDS (Cadence IC 6.1.x / EDI) ====== [ __[[vlsi:workbook2|Back]]__ ] == Contents == * Introduction * Open Access * Encounter * SKILL examples ====== Introduction ====== **XStream** has replaced **PIPO** (Physical In Physical Out) Reference documentation: * //Design Data Translator's Reference// (''transferOA.pdf'') * //Design Data Translator's SKILL Reference// (''sktransferOA.pdf'') ====== Cadence IC 6.x (Open Access) ====== ====== Running XStream In ====== CIW => Import => Stream... or type in the SKILL prompt pipoDisplay(transStreamInForm) or use the ''strmin'' executable at the Linux command line linux% strmin -help #!/bin/tcsh set streamFile = filename.gds set targetLib = myLib set layerMapFile = "/path/to/mapfile" ... strmin -strmFile $streamFile \ -library $targetLib \ -mapFile $layerMapFile \ -logFile ./log/strmIn.log \ [other options...] ====== Encounter ====== File => Save => GDS/OASIS encounter> streamOut ./gds/$DESIGN.gds [options] encounter> streamOut -help Encounter-to-OpenAccess map file required ====== SKILL ====== Put all ''strmin'' flags into a list, e.g. streamInKeys = list( 'runDir "./" 'libName "targetName" 'layerTable "/path/to/filename.layermap" 'cellMapTable "/path/to/cell.map" 'userSkillFiel "" ... ... ) ; end streamInKeys list [[http://www.cadence.com/Community/forums/t/28765.aspx]] ====== ====== \\ ---- Last update: ~~NOTOC~~