====== Spartan 3A/3AN tests (Windows/Linux) ====== [ __[[vlsi:workbook:fpga:spartan3an|Back]]__ ] [ __[[vlsi:workbook:fpga:spartan3an:test:ubuntu|Ubuntu tests]]__ ] ====== USB cable on Linux ===== [[http://www.intilinux.com/programmazione/478/usare-le-board-xilinx-fpga-su-linux/]] * plug the A connector to PC * plug the B connector to the board * power on the board $ lsusb ... ... Bus 002 Device 004: ID 03fd:000d Xilinx, Inc. Ok, hardware is recognized. But the USB LED is OFF. The proper driver is missing. USB drivers installation? From ''/.xinstall/install.log'' file: ... ... --Installing cable drivers. --Driver versions in this package: windrvr=1301, xpc4drvr=1041 --Script name = /home/pacher/local/opt/xilinx/14.6/ISE_DS/common/bin/lin/install_script/install_drivers/install_drivers \\ Driver install sources and documentation: ''/common/bin/lin/install_script/install_drivers/'' Readme file: ''/common/bin/lin/install_script/install_drivers/readme.txt'' Install script (sh/bash script): ''/common/bin/lin/install_script/install_drivers/install_drivers'' For ''/sbin/fxload'': wget http://pkgrepo.linuxtech.net/el6/release/i686/fxload-2008_10_13-3.el6.i686.rpm sudo rpm -i fxload-2008_10_13-3.el6.i686.rpm ====== Device DNA reader ====== mkdir sources unzip -d sources/ s3ask_dna_reader.zip \\ Out-of-the box firmware download to the board: on **Windows** you can simply run the ''install_device_DNA_reader.bat'' batch script from a command prompt (Xilinx ISE executables must be included in the default system search path!) cd C:\path\to\install_device_DNA_reader.bat install_device_DNA_reader.bat :!: //**Note**// \\ On Windows the proper runtime environment is set by running the ''settings32.bat'' batch script! ====== ====== \\ ---- Last update: ~~NOTOC~~