====== Notes ====== [ __[[vlsi:personalpages:pacher|Back]]__ ] __**Call phones from CERN**__ *7 71519 (poste destinataire) 2407 (code personnel) *40 0039 etc. __**CMS Tracking Training Day**__ [[https://indico.cern.ch/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=262578]] Dear colleagues, as already announced during the CMS week, a Tracking Training Day is being organized by the Tracking POG and the Tracker management. It is intended both for newcomers and for more expert people interested in updating or refreshing their know-how. The planned list of topics is: = basics of tracking in CMS = tracker hardware, layout and geometry = basic software examples = hands-on session The proposed day is Friday October 18th 2013, 9h-18h. We strongly encourage to attend in person but a vidyo connection will be available. Please register here: https://indico.cern.ch/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=262578 Registrations are free and will be closed on September 18th. Let us know if you have any question or request! Giacomo and Giuseppe __**CMS lxplus account request**__ -------- Original Message -------- Subject: Registrazione x account CMS Date: Tue, 19 Oct 2010 14:36:02 +0200 From: Nicola Amapane Organization: CERN To: Nadia Pastrone , Ernesto MIGLIORE La procedura e': 1. compilare il modulo: http://cms.cern.ch/iCMS/jsp/secr/reg/reg.jsp 2. il Team Leader riceve la richiesta e la deve approvare 3. inviare una scansione di un documento via fax o email all'indirizzo che compare alla fine del passo 1. 4. una volta che il nominativo compare su: http://cms.cern.ch/iCMS/jsp/secr/stats/cmsStats.jsp richiedere l'apertura dell'account a: CMS.Computing@cern.ch \\ __**CERN machines at 13-2-017**__ * **cmstkto01.cern.ch** * **cmtkto03.cern.ch cmstotk03.cern.ch**