====== vlsi/people/mailing_list ====== [ __[[vlsi:staff|Back]]__ ] Please, use the mailing list for general announcements related to VLSI lab stuffs (e.g. scheduled power outages or workstation-related issues) as well as for reporting design tools technicalities, system administration issues, known problems and solutions and so on. At present, mail addresses under the //vlsi-users@to.infn.it// alias are: * ariccard@to.infn.it * benotto@to.infn.it * cleng@to.infn.it * darochar@to.infn.it * deremigi@to.infn.it * dipietro@to.infn.it * fausti@to.infn.it * garbolin@to.infn.it * gdellaca@to.infn.it * goerres@to.infn.it * lattuca@to.infn.it * mazza@to.infn.it * monteil@to.infn.it * mmignone@to.infn.it * olave@to.infn.it * pacher@to.infn.it * panati@to.infn.it * rivetti@to.infn.it * rotondo@to.infn.it ====== ====== \\ ---- Last update: [[pacher@NOSPAMto.infn.it|Luca Pacher]] - Nov 12, 2014