** From ERC guideline fo the Curriculum Vitae (max 2 pages): ** In addition to the standard academic and research record, the CV should include a succinct 'funding ID' which must specify any current research grants and their subject, as well as any ongoing application for work related to the proposal. This facilitates the proper assessment of the proposal and the granting process in case the proposal is retained for funding. Any research career gaps and/or unconventional paths should be clearly explained. Peer reviewers will take this into consideration when assessing the PI's quality and career progression. ** Alberto's suggestions: ** **1. Scientific excellency **\\ - impact factor: published papers, top cited, interviews, outreach \\ - international recognition: invited talks, scientific committee, prizes, reviewer .. \\ - standard indicators: number of publication, h-index.. \\ **2. Leadership **\\ - number of undergraduate and graduate students, what are they doing now. Organization of schools, seminars..\\ - research group: how many people working for you in your group-lab, group structure, ...\\ - appointments: director of schools, programs, ...\\ - patents\\ ** 3. Research Organization **\\ - Money: grants quantity, duration, \\ - workshops: congress organization, schools\\ - appointments: editor publication, roles in experiments, etc\\ ** 4. AOB **\\ - panels, political lobbing, non-scientific publications